Monday, August 30, 2010

IPT - Frustrated To The MAX!!

So, I'm dropping IPT at the end of Year 11 because I suck at it, I don't like it, it's not going to help me in the future, and I really shouldn't have changed Chemistry to IPT at the last minute because now I REALLY need Chemistry and I do NOT need IPT. I don't like walking into IPT knowing that I'm not going to gain anything by sitting there for an hour when I could be in Chemistry at that moment doing something and learning something that I will use once I leave school.

I don't like that I get constantly monitored while I'm on the computer because I'm not the only person in the class that goes on websites other than what we're supposed to. I will not mention their names.

I really can't wait to drop it so that I get free periods where I can do something USEFUL like studying.